結界とは聖なる場所=常世(とこよ)、俗なる場所=現世(うつしよ)とを分ける境目。 その境界線を形成する注連縄は古来より清浄で神聖、あるいは力が宿る場所を 区画するために巻かれた。古木や巨岩、そして力士にも巻かれるのはそのためである。 また、雷光、稲妻を形どった紙垂は邪悪なものを追い払うとされている。 これは身に付ける腕を清浄にするお守りであり、 力がある物を生み出す腕に変化させるパワーアップアイテムである。
"Futodama Bracelet” that wears the holy barrier “Kekkai”
The border between a sacred place and an ordinary place is known as "Kekkai" in Japanese.
The "Shimenawa" is a special twisted rope with white slips of paper that has been known since ancient times to represent purity and holiness. It is hung up around the "Kekkai" to denote the division between the regular world and spaces with spiritual power.
This is why it is often wrapped around old trees and stones in Japan. The white paper that represents lightning is said to ward off evil. This item is a talisman that cleanses your arm that you wear, and a power-up item that transforms into an arm that creates powerful things.
* "Shimenawa" is known to have been first wrapped around a stone after the deity Amaterasu appeared from a heavenly stone cavern in Japanese mythology. The rope was hung up by “Futodama” no Mikoto.