Asano Kenichi × Harakiri

Fujama bracelet
Bounds with the holy place = regular location = Worldwhere = Border to divide with the current world (う し). The raw stretching the border, which forms the boundary, was cleaned to partition the place where the sacred or power lives from the ancient times. This is why it is also wound around old wood, macritid, and creators. In addition, the lightning light and the lightning-shaped paper are supposed to drive away from evil things. This is a protection that cleans the arm to be acquired, and is a power-up item that changes to the arm that produces the force.
* The Japanese mytho Amaterasu is a scene where the Heavenly Rocker comes out, and it will be bound to the rocker for the first time in the rope. It is a Tauta ball (only for a long time) that stretched the rope.
"Futodama Bracelet" THAT WEARS The Holy Barrier "Kekkai"
The Border Between A Sacred Place and An Ordinary Place Is Known AS "Kekkai" in Japanese.
The "Shimenawa" is a special twisted rope with white slips of paper that has been known since ancient times to represent purity and holiness. It is hung up around the "Kekkai" to denote the division between the regular world and spaces with spiritual power.
This is why it is often wrapped around old trees and stones in Japan. The white paper that represents lightning is said to ward off evil. This item is a talisman that cleanses your arm that you wear, and a power-up item that transforms into An Arm That Create PowerFul Things.
* "Shimenawa" is Known To Have Been First Wrapped Around a Stone After The Deity Amaterasu Appeared From A Heavenly Stone Cavern in JapanSe Mythology. The Rope Was Hung Up by "Futodama" No Mikoto.